Digital DaVinci - Interactive lessons for students

What is it?Universal Leonardois a celebration of one of the greatest minds of all time aimed at deepening our understanding of Leonardo da Vinci through a series of European exhibitions, sscientific research and web-based resources.  It contains interactive activities, research content, interesting games and tools and resources that will enable you to discover and solve some of the mysteries surrounding his vast amount of artistic and scientific work as well as his deeply debated personal life.

How can I integrate this into my classroom?There is plenty of opportunities to tie in mathematical concepts such as symmetry and tessellation through the games area and then explore some scientific concepts such as flight and anatomy.  Obviously there is plenty here for history students and those studying biology and other areas of science to appreciate the insight and appreciation of Da Vinci's contribution to science over 500 hundred years ago and compare and contrast what we know today.  And I haven't even mentioned the art...

Check it out todayhere

Free e-Learning for kids

This site offers a reasonable amount of ICT based opportunities for students based upon year level and key learning area.  It has a large amount of content contained within it and you could comfortably rely upon your kids to find something productive to do here.  Check it out.

3 Way Interview Template for Students to complete

Parent Teacher interviews should not be a painful experience and increasingly we are seeing more students take ownership of this time and lead the interview to display work completed and set goals with their parents and teacher.  I have put together a very simple and generic PowerPoint presentation for your kids to fill out and modify as they wish that will allow them to present to their parents and teacher that can be completed in the classroom and will really impress mum and dad through its inclusion of work samples simplicity and the fact that it empowers the student not the parents and teachers with ownership of their learning.

You will need MS PowerPoint obviously to run this file.  Click here to download it.