Your iLife begins here

What is it: Apple's iLife suite is a powerful and worthy set of tools for the creatively minded student and teacher, and I probably overlook Apple from time to time even though I own both Mac's and PC's and use them daily.  I stumbled upon the iLife tutorials today after some requests form staff on how to get started with Garageband and found a heap of up todate tutorials and guides for the entire iLife suite. that are woth a look.

How can ypu use it in the Classroom:  I woudl start with Garageband and get your kids to put together a Podcast with some stingers and intro music.  Maybe a simple iMovie next and you can really take it from there - the sky is the limit.

What level of expertise is required:  Once again this is aimed at the beginner and those that just want to dip their toe in the water a little deeper.  

Check it out here.