Teaching the dialogue of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Learning Intention / Overview

This activity will allow students to develop an understanding of dialogue.  Dialogue is what is being spoken by characters in a text.  Understanding who is speaking allows students to better understand the plot and/or events taking place in a story. A character’s dialogue is also important because it often sets or reflects the mood in the story.  This activity will also strengthen background knowledge for word choice in identifying signals for dialogue. (said, shouted, yelled, spoke, etc.)

Methods / Teaching Strategies

 Group Discussion

  Identifying signal words

Independent Work

Assessment of Learning

·         Participation in Discussion

·         Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down (informal assessment)

“Who Said That” Skill sheet (provided)

Click here to download the free lesson plan

30 phrases that will improve your debating skills

The key to winning over your audience when debating is to start with a strong statement.  This will give your audience a greater sense of confidence about your topic even if you aren't completely rock solid on it.  So let's take a look at thirty useful statements that could mean the difference between winning and losing in a tight debate.


·        In my opinion…

·        In my view…

·        To my mind…

·        From my point of view…

·        As far as I am concerned…

·        I suppose/ imagine that…

·        If you ask me…

·        It seems to me that…

·        I believe that…


·        To my knowledge…

·        To the best of my knowledge…

·        As far as I know…

·        In my experience…

·        My experience has been that…

·        I have realized / learnt / noticed / come to the conclusion…(that)

·        I remember when I was young/living in/ growing up…


·        First of all…

·        To start with…

·        Another thing is…

·        The reason why I….

·        And besides,

·        Also,

·        In addition,

·        What’s more,

·        Another thing,

·        Not to mention the fact that…

·        Plus the fact that…

·        Just a small point,

·        Perhaps I should mention…

·        Oh, I almost forgot…


I hope they help.


Free Classroom Posters: The 8 Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech Posters.PNG

I must admit that as a student I never really understood the difference between nouns, adverbs, interjections and the other parts of speech all that well.

Then when I went to university I almost convinced myself that they were an area of superfluous knowledge when I succeeded at a tertiary level with little to no knowledge of them

As a teacher though. I was quickly found out when trying to give my students the tools and language to make their writing more mature and appealing to specific audiences. 

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To address this I have spent quite a bit of time brushing up my own knowledge on the 8 parts of common speech.

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives
  • Prepositions
  • Conjunctions
  • Interjections
  • Adverbs

To remind me of this I have made 9 posters to share with anyone who wants them that outline the purpose, example words and sentences for each of the 8 areas.

Click here to download them and enjoy.

*Please note all of our posters are originally designed using high resolution images and fonts at A3 paper size.

Be aware it will be automatically resized to your default paper size when using Adobe Acrobat Reader without any loss of quality. If you would like to print these documents at larger sizes you can read the Adobe Resize & Scaling FAQ here.

We recommend laminating them for best results.

Finally if you would like to purchase a completely editable version of this document to alter without any restrictions you can purchase it for $10.00 simply by emailing us.