KWHL Chart - Thinking Tool


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A KWHL can be used to track students learning of a particular topic or concept over time;

  • The K stands for ‘What I already know’ (used to gain prior knowledge)
  • The W stands for ‘What I want to learn’
  • The H stands for ‘How I will find this information’ and;
  • The L stands for ‘What I have learnt’. This is a particularly effective tool to use during an Integrated Topic.

It can also be a great portfolio piece to demonstrate the learning process of the student.

Download KWHL Chart

Thinking Tool - Linking Ideas


Hello, World!

Linking involves making connections to other ideas or concepts. Examples could include thinking of a similar sounding word to find the spelling of an unknown word or sharing a personal experience that relates to a topic being discussed in class. ‘Piggybacking’ is also an example of linking where you link on a question or comment to one that has been mentioned recently. The template below can be used to help student develop links.

Lotus Chart - Thinking Tool


This procedure helps to organise thinking into subsections, a bit like a semantic map. Each section of the lotus is for a new idea and the thoughts about those new ideas are written in the little boxes around the coloured box. This procedure is great for planning writing or summarising what has been learnt.

Download the Lotus Chart Here

The Brainstorm thinking tool


A brainstorm is great tool to use to allow students to draw or write down their thinking about a topic. You need to write down the topic in the middle of the page. They then draw lines coming out of the middle. Connecting each line is key words about the topic. You can then have more branches coming off from these ideas. A tool for planning writing, reflecting on an excursion, or use sharing knowledge about a mathematical concept.  You can draw and write your ideas.

Download the Tool Here