Lotus Chart - Thinking Tool


This procedure helps to organise thinking into subsections, a bit like a semantic map. Each section of the lotus is for a new idea and the thoughts about those new ideas are written in the little boxes around the coloured box. This procedure is great for planning writing or summarising what has been learnt.

Download the Lotus Chart Here

Fish Bone Thinking Tool


Purpose: A fish bone is separated by a horizontal line, where you can have positive and negative arguments on each side of the horizontal line. You can then create sub heading for each argument where they list more facts based on this topic. You can also use it in a simpler way to list words about a topic too.

for/against arguments for a debate or persuasive writing positive/ negative statements for reflections planning for weekend writing – Saturday / Sunday planning ideas for a writing piece.

Downlaod the Fish Bone Tool here

Excitement Graph

< p>Hello, World!

An excitement graph can be used when reading a story or recounting an event to track how excitement changes over time. It allows students to show their knowledge of the events that took place, while also showing their thoughts about them happening. Events are shown in a sequenced order horizontally.  The graph could also be adapted to show enjoyment or engagement over time as well.

Download the Excitement Graph Here

The Brainstorm thinking tool


A brainstorm is great tool to use to allow students to draw or write down their thinking about a topic. You need to write down the topic in the middle of the page. They then draw lines coming out of the middle. Connecting each line is key words about the topic. You can then have more branches coming off from these ideas. A tool for planning writing, reflecting on an excursion, or use sharing knowledge about a mathematical concept.  You can draw and write your ideas.

Download the Tool Here