Edgalaxy - Teaching ideas and Resources

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Great resources to discover more about enquiry based learning

Teachers out there who are interested in inquiry based / interdisciplinary learning might want to visitwww.educatorsresources.com.au for some interesting free resources. The focus of many of the resources is on inquiry based learning projects and culminating ‘rich tasks’. The tasks are excellent examples of curriculum that is open ended, authentic and truly interdisciplinary.

The first sample  ‘Does Biodiversity Matter?” is a primary aged inquiry into biodiversity. It aligns with Australian Curriculum standards in Science (‘biodiversity’ and ‘adaptations’) but could also be used to assess progress against English outcomes along with the interdisciplinary areas of Communication and Thinking Processes.

The second sample is an inquiry for secondary students (years 8 and 9) ‘Can I Defend Human Rights?” The culminating task invites students to ‘take action that matters’ in relation to a Human Rights.

All of the rich tasks are examples of performance pieces that culminate a structured and well-scaffolded inquiry.

Feel free to download the two posters above and visit www.educatorsresources.com.au for more free resources specialising in inquiry/ interdisciplinary learning.