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TED-Ed video lesson of the month: Cyberwarfare

View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/defining-cyberwarfare-in-hopes-of-preventing-it-daniel-garrie Can you imagine a future where wars are fought not with bombs and bullets but computer viruses and pacemaker shutdowns? Cyberware is unique in that it is not covered by existing legal framework and it often inspires more questions than we are yet capable of answering.

If you haven't got onto TED-Ed yet, do yourself a favour and take a look at the excellent collection of videos and teaching ideas covering a range of curriculum areas.

This month's video from Daniel Garrie looks at the concept of cyberwarfare and what implications computers could have on causing and taking ownership of conflict in the future.

There is an opportunity for some rich discussion with older students about cyberwarfare that could lead into a range of writing topics and civics and citizenship tasks.