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Great sites to learn about Nelson Mandela

Today the world lost one of it's most influential and well respected activists in Nelson Mandela who died at home aged 95.

Mandela almost singlehandedly raised the worlds attention to the injustice and inequity directed at blacks in South Africa, and eventually as prime minster changed these many wrongs which he grew up with as a second class citizen in his own country.

The effect of Mandela's actions were felt around the world

His story is one that should be the staple of every student at some point and I thought I might put together a brief list of worthwhile resources about this great man.

BBC Nelson Mandela - Plenty of interviews and biographical content that tell his amazing story.

Oxfam - Here you will find complete structured lesson plans about Mandela and his actions that changed racial inequality around the world.

The history of Apartheid in South Africa - some easy to follow information about something many of us have all heard about but very few completely understand.

The Guardian - Resources about Black History month that are linked to Mandela

Obviously there are hundreds more - Please feel free to contribute others in the comment section below.