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The Seven Pillars of Successful Teachers

It would be hoped at some point in your schooling life that you had a great teacher.  Someone who inspired you to try something new or taught you something you thought rather difficult at the time.

Good teachers aren't bred overnight.  They take a little while to develop their craft of teaching, and more importantly their own style and rapport with their students.

Many traits of successful teachers are impossible to define and they go much further than just these seven qualities listed below.  But these are the key ingredients we feel all successful teachers posses.

A good teacher is organised

Getting 25 students who come from different backgrounds and have different abilities on the same page is a difficult task. Teachers must be able to manage students’ multiple personalities and organize their subject matters so that a maximum number of students benefits from their lessons.

A good teacher is enthusiastic

Excellent teachers, no matter what their age or position never lose enthusiasm for their profession. They may become weighed down by administrative hassles or isolated problems, but their underlying engagement with their work is unwavering. Students pick up on this energy, and teachers who project it will always have great relationships with teachers and students.

A good teacher is patient

No one expects a great teacher to have unending patience with students whose egos and immaturity dictates so much of your time and effort you are not able to meet the needs of others.  Be aware of these students and make them aware of your stance also.  A good teacher should however, be very patient with students who are prepared to learn.  Learning is a lifelong process and you are building the formative steps for many important lessons in life.  In some cases this will not happen in a calendar year.

A good teacher always relates learning to real life.

Every lesson should be taught in a context that is relevant to your students.   Teaching Algebraic equations to a 14 year old is easy.  Taking them outside and finding a link to something in nature or their own lives can be difficult.  Before you ask your students to open up page 131, get them to watch a video clip, give them a famous quote supporting the learning intention and find out the name of the guy who invented algebra and tell your students why he had such a passion for it.

A good teacher is compassionate

Great teachers are able to work with students with varying levels of maturity and knowledge. No matter whether you are 25 or 55 remember that you were once a child without the wisdom of the world behind you and you must respect that it is there role to find their direction in life but today it is your job to guide them.

A good teacher is a lifelong learner

 If you have no interest in the subjects you teach then why are you teaching?  All good teachers are intellectually curious and naturally driven by their interests in their chosen fields

A good teacher is well planned.

Good teachers must have a plan.  You don’t always have to stick to them and at times it can be foolish to.  But you must have a learning intention and a plan or you have got nothing. Effective teachers sense when students need more time to absorb the material and, within limitations, are willing to give it to them.

If you feel that there are any other skills a great teacher should possess, please don't hesitate to make a comment below.