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Algebrahelp.com - Must see for Math Teachers

Algebrahelp.com is a collection of lessons, calculators, and worksheets created to assist students and teachers of algebra. Here are a few of the ways you can learn here...


Explore one of our dozens of lessons on key algebra topics like Equations, Simplifying and Factoring. Check out the entire list of lessons...


Having trouble solving a specific equation? Our Equation Calculator will show you the right answer and a step-by-step solution so you can solve the next one. Over the years, algebrahelp.com has helped students solve over 15 million equations! Our calculators don't just solve equations though. See all the problems we can help with...


Need to practice a new type of problem? We have tons of problems in the Worksheets section. We can grade your answers automatically, or you can compare against the answer key. Browse the list of worksheets to get started...

Access Algebrahelp here.