Edgalaxy - Teaching ideas and Resources

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Troovi: Student Photo sharing made Easy

Troovi.com Screencast from Robert Freudenreich on Vimeo.

Just imagine you have been on a school excursion and have about 60 cameras to upload photos from so that you use the images to reflect upon what you have learnt.  This would normally be both a time and effort consuming task for the teacher but Troovi makes this dead simple by following these simple steps.

There's no need to register! Simply choose the photos you want to share and upload them in high quality using our comfortable state-of-the-art uploader. Afterwards your collection is accessible by a unique url which is generated automatically.

To share the photos with others all you have to do is to send them your unique link. You can also use the built-in share feature for email, facebook, del.icio.us and much more services.

Everybody who knows the unique URL of your collection has full access to the photos including the ability to upload new photos. So others can add their own photos to your collection.

You can download either one single photo or even all photos as a zip file in high quality. Never again downscaled photos in bad quality and low resolution!