Edgalaxy - Teaching ideas and Resources

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How to use document cameras in the classroom

We are looking at buying a few document cameras  for our library and junior classrooms next year and came acrosss this article by Jonathon Wylie at Brighthub.

He has some really great ideas about using them effectively in schools.  Hope you Enjoy it.

Document cameras are a great tool to use in the classroom because of their versatility. These top tips will give you some great ideas on how to use yours.  

Engaging students with document cameras is not difficult, but it does require a little imagination. With that in mind, the following ideas are designed to help you learn how to use classroom document cameras in unique and innovative ways at school. You might be surprised at just how versatile these great teaching tools really are!

Top Tips for How to Use Document Cameras

1. Big Book – Every book is a big book with a document camera. Just place a book under the camera and you will have an instant magnification of text and images via the projector. Zoom in on images, or even words you want to discuss. Project the image onto a whiteboard and you can highlight or underline text by drawing on the board.


2. Show and Tell...  Read More here