Edgalaxy - Teaching ideas and Resources

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Fuzzy Yellow Balls

Hey don't think us nerds have totally forgotten about you jocks out there. fuzzyyellowballs.com is a great site for aspiring tennis superstars.  And it really highlights the effectiveness of video  as a useful teaching tool.  After completing a couple of courses and degrees over the last few years I would never bother paying enrolling in an expensive course again when there is some real high quality stuff available on the web that can teach you anything and fuzzyyellowballs.com is a great example of this.

Learn how to play tennis online. with free video tennis lessons that will teach you how to play the game in a new way that combines technical analysis, visual learning, and step-by-step progressions. Check out their welcome page there is loads of HD video and some really useful stuff.  Your C grade social comp will never know what hit them.