Edgalaxy - Teaching ideas and Resources

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An introduction to Digital Storytelling

The university of Houston have put together what is possibly the most comprehensive collection of tools, resources and media to assist teachers and students in better understanding the Educational uses of digital Storytelling. 

My school is a big believer in digital storytelling through podcasting, film, green-screening and digital portfolios.  And this is reflected in the level of enthusiasm the students have towards turning their ideas into a piece of rich media they can share with the world as opposeed to simply writing it in a book.

I might get shot for saying it by many teachers around me but I really enjoy a good film or doco than reading a book as I am obviously a visual learner.  This may have always been the case for many others but the only difference is today it is possible to create a visual literacy on a shoe string budget that I can share with the world overnight.

Be sure to check it out here and I have also included a video below that highlights how important visual texts have been within our lives and how this should impact upon our teaching.  I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with visual texts.